Administrative Professionals Day Cards

Showing 23 items

Thank Your Admins With a Custom Card From American Greetings

Celebrate and express appreciation for the dedicated individuals managing the office by sending an Administrative Professionals Day card! For an easy and hassle-free experience, choose a personalized Creatacard™ online instead of making a trip to the store. Upload a team photo or video, type in a heartfelt message and even design the envelope and stamp. For those working remotely, conveniently send your card via email, text or another messaging app. On in-person workdays, consider sharing printable Administrative Professionals Day cards. Your admin is sure to feel special when they receive their customized Creatacard™!

Add a Gift Card to Your Administrative Professionals Day Card

Make your Administrative Professionals Day cards more thoughtful by giving them a gift! Attach a gift card to any greeting or shop our gift cards page.

Join Today

Enjoy one of our free printable Administrative Professionals Day cards when you sign up for a 7-day trial membership today!