Thank You Ecards

Thank you ecards offer a thoughtful way to show gratitude any day, at any moment.

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When to Send a Thank You Card

There are many occasions when you might consider sending a thank you card. For instance, you might want to send a thank you card to someone who:

  • Made a difference in your life
  • Showed generosity
  • Gave you a gift
  • Offered you a place to stay
  • Invited you to a party
  • Did a personal favor
  • Performed an act of kindness
  • Was there when you needed them

As a general rule of thumb, thank you cards should be sent as soon as possible. With American Greetings, it takes mere minutes to send a thank you card online! With options to send via text, email, or social media, you can make sure your thank you card arrives sooner rather than later.

How to Send a Virtual Thank You Card

Gestures big and small all deserve recognition and appreciation, so why not put a little extra care into your message by sharing personalized, online thank you cards? Before sending, American Greetings gives you the option to write a personal note in your ecard. You’re sure to make family, friends, caregivers, teachers and other special people feel amazing when you email thank you cards, and you’ll be happy you took the time to reconnect! If you need a little extra help with what to write, we offer tips on what to write in a thank you card.

Start a 7-day trial membership to send free thank you ecards today and experience the digital way to say, "Thank you!"