Funny Birthday Cards

The more candles you add to the cake, the funnier birthdays get!

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Funny Birthday Cards to Make and Send Online

Send Creatacards instantly online via email, text or social media. Or schedule your funny birthday cards in advance so they’ll never miss a smile on their special day.

Make Printable Funny Birthday Cards With Creatacard™

Creatacards are also printable, so you can share them as an actual, real-life cards! Simply choose the print option at the end of the card-making process. Then Creatacard™ will guide you step by step on how to set up your printer and print from home. Or save your customized card as a PDF and ask your local printer to do the honors! Printable cards a great option when you want to share your card in person or seal it in an envelope and send by mail, just like a traditional paper card. Our 7-day trial membership makes it easy to create free, printable funny birthday cards for everyone!

Funny Birthday Card Messages

Feeling a little stuck when it comes to saying something funny? Here are some funny birthday card ideas that should crack a grin. Use them as inspiration for your message or copy and paste into your card!

  • Try not to think of your birthday as being another year older, but a day to eat all the cake you want, and no one will judge! Have a sweet and happy birthday!!
  • You deserve the very best of everything. I guess that’s why you have me as a [son/friend/sister/coworker]!
  • Hope your birthday is more fun than [insert inside joke or funny memory here].
  • You look younger every year. P.S. Feel free to tell me that on my birthday, too!
  • You're halfway to [insert recipient’s age and double it]! Congrats!
  • Happy birthday to someone who’s hotter than all those candles on your cake!